John Mulcahy
Graduate of Computer Science
Cork, Ireland
GitHub Profile
Web Design
Currently learning:
- Angular
- Javascript
- Git
- mySQL
- Java
- Python
Recently graduated from Griffith College Cork with a degree in Computer Science.
I have developed strong technical and problem-solving skills and with my previous work experience combined
I am now looking to pursue a career in the IT industry as a Software Developer.
Software Developer Internship at
Jan 2019 - July 2019
Front-end developer of an eHealth care web-application which is based on FHIR HL7 standards.
Experience with Docker containers to deploy a scaleable back-end in a Linux environment.
Tech stack and frameworks used:
- MEAN (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node), HTML, CSS/Sass, Javascript, GULP.
- Github, Bitbucket.
- JIRA and Kanban boards for project tracking
Jan 2020 - Feb 2020
An Android app to help delivery drivers locate their customers faster.
Sometimes you need to verify you are outside the correct house but there may be no house number displayed.
Helps to identify the customers house faster by using the GPS and Google Maps to identify specific addresses near you.
Personal Hardware Project / Surfcast
Sept 2017 - Feb 2018
Software and hardware project to get the local surf forecast and display it in a Lamp using Leds which are activated by a motion sensor. The display program is using python and the forecast data from an API service is got using Java.
College Assignments:
Sep 2016 - Dec 2018
Griffith College Cork
2016 - Currently
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Level 8